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Impact Factor - 0.263




Effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary

P.Sh. Begbudieva, M. Abdullaeva


Some modern techniques for teaching English vocabulary

N.O. Sadieva, A.Dj. Karaeva


Effective strategies of teaching reading

P.Sh. Begbudieva, R. Mukhiddinova


Teaching English to young children in a productive way

H. Madaminova, R. Meylikulova


Using interactive methods of teaching English in elementary school

Z.Z. Saliyeva


The role of homework in teaching children of primary school

S.A. Atamuradova, G.B. Salohidddinova


Use of games in the educational process

Z.B. Solieva, R. Javburieva


The role of games on language lessons

Z.B. Solieva, Sh. Omonova




Dialogue as the heterogeneous phenomenon in the tragedies of Shakespeare

B. Abdurazokov, N.B. Nazarova


Lexical connotation in common jargon

N.N. Siddikova


Pragmatic features of inversion in the modern English language

D.T. Marupov


Toponyms, their classification and types

B. Nurmuhammedov


Methods of conceptual linguistics as a means of teaching a foreign language

N.P. Husanova


To the question of the use of the case base in the translation process

N.P. Husanova


Semantic qualities reflecting the characteristics of the spiritual state

N. Qahharova


Сравнительный анализ выражений английского и узбекского языков и их влияние на эффективность учебного процесса

Н.А. Ибадова, Н.А. Эргашева


Economic text as a special type of text

J.R. Nasrullaev


Derivation of English idioms and the importance of its knowledge

P.Sh. Begbudieva, H.S. Raxmatova


Modern trends and approaches in language education

S. Jamolkhonova


English for business purpose

N. Zubaydova


Features and use of cultural linguistics

N. Zugurova


Linguo-cultural aspects of Japanese language lexis in corporate governance

Sh.A. Kadirova


To the matter of identification of words in printed materials

N.Sh. Amriddinvna, N.B. Nazarova


The importance of Internet resources in teaching foreign languages

M.Sh. Bahriddinova, N. Kubayeva





Open Access

Содержание выпуска




УЧЁНЫЙ XXI ВЕКА (2019). 5-1(52)





Creative Commons License

DOI: 10.15350/24103586.2019.5-1