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Open Access



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Impact Factor - 0.263


Технические науки


Engineering safety and technical protection of objects

F.F. Norova


Информационные технологии


Информационные технологии в туризме

Г.И. Атаева, Л.С. Минич


Development of internet cultures in the epoch of information technologies

Kh.I. Eshonkulov


К вопросу обучения компьютерной графике на уроках информатики

Л.Ж. Ёдгорова, Л.С. Минич


Понятие расширения файлов

Ф.Н. Нуруллаев


Роль информационных технологий в изучении иностранного языка

Н.Н. Зарипов


Философские науки


Религиозные верования и толерантность в Средней Азии

Г.К. Машарипова


Психологические науки


Социальный контроль и девиантное поведение

Ш.Р. Алиева


Педагогические науки


Современные инновационные технологии

А.К. Махсуджонова


Formation of independent work skills in future teachers based on a creative approach

U.U. Kurbonova, M. Kamolova


Methods of physical education of students in physical education, physical training in sports competitions

M.Z. Dzhuraeva


Formation of skill of reading (knigolub) in primary school children through games and educational technologies

D.A. Muminova


Important aspects of physical training in the upbringing of a healthy generation

N.M. Mukhiddinova


The problems of Uzbek language interference in learning English as a second language

M. Absamadova, E.N. Khayitova


Kichik yoshdagi bolalarga ingliz tilini o`rgatishning innovatsion usullari

Р.А. Насырова, З.О. Эгамберганова


The importance of sports clubs of students in higher education

Zh.Zh. Atamuradov , Ya.Z. Fayziev


Use of pedagogical technologies

D.I. Tosheva, G.Zh. Toshova


Pedagogical skill - a factor that ensures the quality of education

M.O. Ochilova, R. Shamsullaeva


The effectiveness of the use of interactive learning on the lessons

G.B. Ergasheva, D. Kodirova


Роль национально-духовной защиты молодежи от духовной угрозы в условиях глобализации

С. Рахмонов, З.О. Эгамберганова


Preschool education: on the road to modernization

Д.А. Aминов, Д.И. Тошева


The main didactic principles of teaching informatics

Ж.Ж. Aтaмурадов


The role of modern technology in teaching foreign languages

M.N. Ismoilova


Speech development using computer learning and development games

М.Б. Шарипова, З.Ф. Хайруллоева


Development of teachers innovative activities

I.Kh. Razhabova, G.B. Ergasheva


Content, forms and methods of pre-school speech development in collaboration with parents

M.B. Sharipova, M.B. Sadulloeva


Инновационные методы формирования познавательного интереса у детей дошкольного возраста

Д.Ш. Мирзаева, О.Б. Обидова


Pedagogical abilities

M.O. Ochilova


Development and education in children of basic physical qualities in light athletics

Ya.Z. Fayziev


Use of problem-based learning in the classroom

M.B. Sharipova, F.I. Inoyatova


Distance learning - modern learning system

L.S. Elibaeva


The role of independent work in increasing student activity

L.S. Elibaeva


Филологические науки


The artistic image of the image of "Water" in the poem

M.B. Sharipova, Sh.Sh. Nizomova





Open Access

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УЧЁНЫЙ XXI ВЕКА (2018). 11(46)





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